Rosemerry Trommer & Jill Sabella

October 5, 2016 - November 29, 2016

For two years artist Jill Sabella and poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer experimented with simplicity—a leaning toward less and the more that blossoms out of it. They took turns sending each other work to respond to. The result: 45 intimate pairings, in which three-line drawings and three-line poems reflect each other. Some are framed individually and others are framed as triptychs. The result: Elegant. Provocative. Inviting. Poignant.  

The artwork began with charcoal thoughts, and later the same drawings were done on rice paper with Sumi ink and brush.  

 In addition to the framed artwork, the pairings have been made into a book, even now (Lithic Press, 2016).  

 The show runs thru November 2016 at Gallery 81435, located at 230 S Fir Street in Telluride, Colorado. Open daily from 12-6pm or by appointment.   



Emily Palmquist


Emily Ballou & Matthew Adams