Project Updates from our team at the transfer warehouse
Winter, 2023-2024
We’re sharing with you the new Shelter magazine story by Samantha Tisdel Wright, who has skillfully composed the most comprehensive story of the past, present, and future of the Transfer Warehouse stone walls to date!
Testing our strength
November 17, 2023
As we continue to test our methods for restoration of the Transfer Warehouse walls, it is important to test the strength of the new foundation. Progress is looking good as we move forward.
Click the pictures for a quick video update from Jereb Carter, Transfer Warehouse Manager, and Romeo Thomas, Foreman with Masonry Solutions International
October 25, 2023
You may have seen a bunch of machinery in and around the Transfer Warehouse in the last week or two. We talked to different workers on-site to get a better understanding of what all the machinery does and why it is important.
Quick video updates from our amazing workers at the Transfer Warehouse, Homer Chaffin, Pete Bruscha, Jerry Clayton, and Arvid Veidmark.
October 24, 2023
Telluride Arts has worked with the Colorado Historical Foundation to add an additional layer of protection on the historic walls by adding a conservation easement. They provide guidance and oversight to ensure an appropriate historic preservation plan is in place, and the best outcome is accomplished. Today, Catherine Stroh came by for a site visit, and learned about the high tech system of prisms and lasers installed on site to monitor the wall vibrations. So far, the measurements are well below the acceptable levels!
Quick video update from Catherine Stroh, Colorado Historical Foundation
October 18, 2023
The on-site testing of the means and methods for restoring the Transfer Warehouse began almost one year ago, and we’re in the final stages! Last week, we mobilized large equipment for jet grout testing, which will continue through the upcoming week. Jet grouting uses high-velocity fluid jets of cement mixed with the existing soil to form concrete columns underground to stabilize the walls. At the Transfer Warehouse the columns will be about 30 feet deep.
Thanks for your patience for road closures along Pacific Street.
Quick video update from Jereb Carter, Warehouse General Manager
October 10, 2023
It’s going to get really exciting at the Transfer Warehouse next week as we mobilize equipment for the jet grouting test October 16 - 26! The process uses high-velocity fluid jets that mix cement with the existing soil to construct concrete columns underground.
At the Transfer Warehouse the columns will be about 30 feet deep, and become the foundation to stabilize the historic walls.
Quick video update from Corey Fortenberry, Construction Lead
September 28, 2023
The Quonset Hut is down, the stage has been disassembled, and we’re clearing out the space to prepare for more construction happening soon.
We’re cherishing the memories and excited for more to come!
“It feels bittersweet. It feels a little bit like the end of an era.” -Austin
Quick video update from Austin Halpern, Telluride Arts’ Program Director.
September 21, 2023
We’re cleaning out the Warehouse, removing the old concrete slab, pulling out the big boiler, selling those old couches (they served us well!), and harkening in the next season for this beloved building!
“We found some exciting stuff! …there were a bunch of railroad ties buried underground.”
Next Up: Taking down the Quonset Hut!
Quick video update from Jereb Carter, Warehouse General Manager
September 12, 2023
Engineers from Atkinson-Noland and Associates and Silman Engineering are on site this week to conduct compression testing of the stone walls. Using state of the art technology, they are applying high pressure to portions of the stone and mortar, and collecting data to analyze their strength.
This is an important test of the means and methods for stabilization designed by the historic preservation team.
So far, so good!
Quick video update from Carlo Citto of Atkinson-Noland & Associates, structural engineers.
September 7, 2023
Romeo Thomas, pictured here, has been back on site managing the vertical drilling process. The big masonry drills remove a 3” vertical core from the inside of the wall cavity, which will then be filled with heavy duty steel roods that will tie into the new foundation, and be grouted in place.
So far, so good!
Quick video update from Romeo Thomas, Foreman with Masonry Solutions International
August 31, 2023
Romeo Thomas, pictured here with the dog Romeo Jones, has been on site pumping a liquid cement grout solution to fill the voids in the wall cavity as part of the mock up- phase, where we test the means and methods for permanent stabilization. In his words:
“It’s Going Great!” “Love It!”
Quick video update from Romeo Thomas, Foreman with Masonry Solutions International
August 24, 2023
Things are getting pretty exciting at the Transfer Warehouse!
This week we’re in the process of testing the methods for the historic stone masonry strengthening. The first step is to tie the walls together with socked anchor ties inflated with grout that hold the interior and exterior layers of stones tightly together.
Then, injection ports are drilled into the wall, and fluid grout is pumped in to the hollow wall cavities to make a solid structure. Once that has had time to cure, we will come back and core through the walls from the top, then insert stainless steel reinforcements.
All of this tender loving care will permanently stabilize the structure so that it can be enjoyed by generations to come.
Quick video update from Donald Harvey, from Atkinson-Noland Engineers
July 6, 2023
We are protecting the old walls by bringing them up to modern engineering standards so they can be enjoyed for generations to come!
The Warehouse walls were built with unreinforced masonry in 1906. With the use of highly sophisticated imaging technology, we have mapped the exterior and interior layers of the large sandstone bricks, and the loose rubble fill and empty spaces within.
In 2017, we oversaw the meticulous restoration of the exposed masonry, added wire ties that pin the stones together, rebuilt the parapet (top of the wall), and added the steel bracing for temporary stabilization.
For permanent stabilization, we will be turning the walls into one solid, and strong, piece of masonry. In order to do this, we will inject concrete to fill all of the voids that exist within the wall cavity. After that, we we will be coring the walls vertically from the top, and inserting stainless steel reinforcing bars that pin the walls to the foundation.
Quick video update from Corey Fortenberry, Warehouse Construction Manager
June 23, 2023
Last week, we dug out a section of the stone foundation on the west wall in order to repoint the underground masonry as a first step towards restoring the historic walls. Over the next three months, our engineering team will be on-site to test the means and methods for stabilizing these old walls—that have been kept upright with temporary bracing (thanks to the Zoline family!).
Now, it’s time for a permanent preservation solution so they can be enjoyed for generations to come!
Quick video update from Jereb Carter, Warehouse General Manager