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Live Poetry Reading with Eutimia Cruz Montoya For Indigenous Peoples Day Weekend

Sunday October 7, 2018 | Telluride Arts HQ | 6:30pm | FREE

The Telluride Institute’s Talking Gourds Guest Gourds project is proud to host Denver curandera and poet Eutimia Cruz Montoya as part of Indigenous Peoples Day weekend.

An integrative holistic physician, Eutimia is a descendent of New Mexican and Mexican curanderos, as well as a licensed acupuncturist, body worker, herbalist, artist, birth attendant, cantadora, danzante, real foods advocate and food systems educator. She has a degree in the Anthropological Sciences from Stanford University, a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine, and has been studying and practicing Classical Chinese Medicine since 2004. 

For more information click here.


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