Ah Haa School for the Arts (1)

Ah Haa School for the Arts welcomes back Illegal Art and founding member, Otis Kriegel for Recipe Box, an interactive participatory-based installation to inspire self-reflection, thought and human connection. Recipe Box is a public collection of ingredients, measurements, and instructions for life. Some recipes for life have been perfected through trial and error, while others are tried and true traditions handed down over generations. Ah Haa invites visitors to add a recipe or read those recipes that have been shared by others. The exhibition will include collaborative classes and “recipe swap” with Guest Chef Carlin Kriegel. Illegal Art, founded in the summer of 2001, is a collective of artists whose goal is to create participatory-based public art. Each piece is presented or distributed in a method in which participation is simple and encouraged. They have been featured in The Guardian, New York Times, Vogue, DWELL, NPR and completed three projects (Wash Away Your Fears, TO DO, This Is Me) at Ah Haa's HAHA in 2023.

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Bella Fine Goods (3)


Atelier (2)