FEATURED ARTIST: Robert Weatherford
Robert moved to Telluride in '77 because he thought it would be a great place to raise a couple of kids. Today, he not only paints regularly in his own studio but also claims to receive more gratification all the time from the privilege of teaching painting at the Ah Haa School. Quite to those he just meets, but boisterous in personality and life, we want to know, “What inspires you most?”
Fall. The colors, and the sense of withdrawal into the home life.
I love to read, always have. Disappearing into a book is dreamy for me.
I think the best time in history is now. More people are living better than any time before.
I love the color orange, can't help it.
I think Shakespeare is the most brilliant artist that has lived.
Object in Nature
When it comes to nature, only the mountains do it for me.
Object Made by Man
I love the vase that holds the flowers.
Time of Day
My painting time is mornings. That is when I am happiest.
I grew up on Mexican food in Laredo. Those are still my favorite flavors.
I love the moment when you surrender to the creative voice inside.
Robert is just one of the many talented artists that live and create in the Telluride Arts District.