Unanimous Preliminary Approval

You all know by now that the project received unanimous preliminary approval by Council on Tuesday with very reasonable conditions. After a 7 hour council meeting and something like a total of 50 public comments and letters, I thought it was grueling, frustrating, heartening --- but a very important public process for such a big project.

Having the unanimous vote of council justifies the process of a call-up and will benefit the project moving forward....which now it will!

I am deeply moved by the support from so many corners, and yours is among my most treasured. I am looking forward to the next phase--should be exciting.


There is some confusion about the project being perpetuated by Chance that unfortunately made the paper today. Link here.

It was in fact Chance who caused the call up with his lack of integrity in the HARC process, so that he is allowed to continue adding confusion to the project is frustrating.

The project isn't happening in lieu of affordable housing, and in fact it will complement the planned affordable housing on the Towns property. Our planning is evidence based--and while it was fully acknowledged that affordable housing is needed in Telluride, it was UNANIMOUS in our planning with art space that the Transfer Warehouse is too important to break up into small private spaces of any kind.

Our plan for the Warehouse advances the Town Master Plan, the Telluride Cultural Master Plan, realizes some of the vision in the Four Corners Overlay--and strengthens the Telluride Historical Landmark District.

The new development is a private parcel, and was never considered for an affordable housing project--so this idea is just the fabrication of Chance and his buddies and has no base in truth.

Telluride Arts

Diamondtooth Space Rental Details


SW Corner Call Up