2.17.16 HARC Hearing

Just a quick update. There is a hearing for the SW Corner development at the HARC meeting this Wednesday, February 17th at 6pm. The Warehouse is first on the agenda, and the staff recommendation is to provide preliminary approval, which means the project moves forward. This is exciting and will be a significant step for the Telluride Transfer Warehouse project.

If you can write a letter or come show your support, please do. Hopefully it will be an easy yes, but we want to be prepared. Send letters, short is sweet, to the planner Ann Morgenthaler <amorgenthaler@telluride-co.gov>

See the February 17 HARC Agenda here.

See the revised plans for the commercial development here.

ee the HARC Packet for Wednesday here.

Find the Warehouse redevelopment information here.

Telluride Arts

HARC Debacle
