Hello All.
Find the 2016 budget, with the revisions we discussed, linked HERE and below.
Please note some changes.
1.) +$200,000 State Historic Trust grant that can be used for acquisition. We will know if we receive that grant at the end of January. We plan to apply that funding to earnest money or early capital campaign.
2.) -$200,000 Earnest Money, last line under Other Expenses. As you recall, we are NOT including earnest Money in our income/expense, but you will see it on our balance sheet.
3.)-$4,170 for Insurance, rather than -$1,200. I made a minor update to the insurance payment, as discussed briefly and noted in the budget you reviewed at the meeting last week. The amount should be $4170 for all of our insurance, and I have changed that number.
4.) +$3,000 increase in Art Sales to balance additional insurance above. I believe we can accomplish this between Gallery Sales (we will carry jewelry in 2016 and are seeking a couple of trunk shows) and Art Sales at the Bazaar.
It's going to be a big year for us. This is a very optimistic budget, with some ambitious fundraising targets not related to the capital project.
1.) Increase in Board Donations. We are in a place where we need you all to give...even if it's just a little bit. Please consider what you can do for 2016 and let me know.
2.) Individual Contributions: these are our new donors who are excited about what we do. In this category are the more major $500 and up donors. Many of you have ideas about who these people are. Please help with introductions at lunches, ski dates, dinners or house parties.
3.) Business Affiliates: You will all be tasked with writing short notes to include in our donor boxes for local businesses. We are targeting the real estate and construction community for Art + Architecture--please think of other thriving local businesses who can support our mission. We will get new cards out to you this week, and then order coffee when we have a pile to send.
4.) Party Income: We have put July 3 on our calendar, and will work with the planning committee to figure out how to make this a fantastic fundraiser. Stay tuned!