• Telluride Arts District (map)
  • 224 West Colorado Avenue
  • Telluride, CO, 81435
  • United States

Join Britt Bradford as we circle together, mindfully share a cup of sacred cacao and explore the theme of the alchemical phase "Albedo".

Free, registration is required. email: brittlynnbradford@gmail.com

Modern-day cacao ceremonies are not trying to emulate a cultural ritual from another time and place. Just because people long ago related to cacao in a certain way doesn’t mean that way is any better or even any more suited to our present-day cultural context and needs. Rather, what cacao ceremonies today have in common with ancient cultures that worked with ceremonial cacao is a genuine desire to connect with, to be guided by, and to learn from cacao. Cacao ceremony is an opportunity to listen and connect.

Cacao Ceremony means relating with cacao with gratitude, intention, and reciprocity. There are infinite ways to do a cacao ceremony, both as a solo practice and in a group context, as ceremony is an art form that responds to what is arising and true in the present moment. 

Cacao is a teacher that is skilled at helping us reconnect with our own hearts, tend our relationships, and walk through life purposefully and guided by clear vision.

The three universal pillars that we see as core to creating cacao ceremony are: gratitude, intention, and reciprocity.