Dean Rolley came to Telluride from the Chicago area in 1986 for a year, and here he is over 33 years later. He most definitely found a niche. Dean ran the Public Access TV station for 15 years. He has co-produced documentaries on Telluride in the 70s, (The YX Factor), on skiing in the Telluride region before the ski area was started, (We Skied It), and on historic building preservation, (Rock, Paper, Scissors, & Hammer) with Amy Levek.

Dean and his wife, Vicki Phelps, run Dragonfire Productions, providing A/V support for most of the Festivals. As he inches towards semi-retirement, Dean's focus will be shifting to still photography. While he has taken still photos on and off for the past 35+ years, Dean's main visual production has been in video. With the advent of digital photography, Dean has returned to taking stills for fun. He shoots mostly landscapes in color, black & white and in infrared sepia tone. You can check out his work on Facebook

We asked Dean a few questions:

What are you watching? 
The hair grow in my ears (and a lot of nature documentaries)

What are you reading? 
The Facebook, all of it.

What are you listening to?
A lot more birds chirping.

Any projects you're currently working on? 
Just finished a new “slideshow” to run before the movies at The Nugget Theater when it reopens. Lots of projects around the house (a patio, some light fixtures, converting a powder room into a pantry)

What has changed for you? (besides the obvious) 
I lost my excuse for procrastination “I’m too busy”. Now I say “I’m waiting for the parts”.