Whether one is watching a thunderstorm or looking up at a mighty tree - the experience of nature is one of awe.

And then the process is put into motion … A boulder falls and rolls down the mountain, then bounces onto dirt road before crashing into the river below. A few minutes later, you drive through to where the stone bounced, oblivious to the drama that has just taken place ...

Erosion - The process by which we all are worn away by the action of water, winds, waves and TIME. It is a recurring invisible cycle and we all are part of it.

I use the bi-product of this eroding process in my paintings - I paint with clay. For this project I am using clay to create cairns and track my creative path at this moment in time.

Cairns are stacked rock formations marking paths in remote landscapes. We mark our paths by different means, bringing into question - Where are we going? Are we on the right path? And do we want others to follow? It is a universal question we ask ourselves spiritually, but also as a society; politically, environmentally and intellectually. Cairns purpose is navigational but does one want to be followed or found? In my case I don’t want to leave a trace ...

My cairns rock structures are build out of clay (made up of eroded organic and inorganic material from remote past); I celebrate their presence and then watch them disintegrate; returning it back to the earth where it came from ... only to start the cycle again.

-Eunika Rogers


Jack Plantz