Telluride Arts HQ West

224 W Colorado

February 1 - February 29, 2024

Magnum Opus, or “The Great Work” refers to the alchemical process of transmutation of the primal material into the philosopher’s stone. The philosopher stone, or gold in traditional alchemy, is the most refined and valuable substance which through the alchemical process emerges from the crudest. Later, in the Gnostic tradition, this was interpreted not as the transmutation of metal, but of the soul or psyche of the alchemist himself.

This transformative process happens through the integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of the alchemist’s psychology through the four stages of transmutation:  Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinitas and Rubedo. It is the process whereby an individual realizes a state of spiritual and psychological wholeness. Through this process, that, which was previously fragmented and broken, is restored and synthesized so that a whole and unique individual emerges; an individual who is fully authentic and embraces their destiny. 

Negredo is the first stage which is called “shadow work” in Jungian psychology. This is the “Maya” in other traditions. The stage in which we are in the illusion, but cannot see that we are in it.

Albedo is the stage in which communication between the unconscious and conscious begins to happen. It is the lunar or mirroring phase, which brings illumination. This stage builds relationship to the Self.

Citronitas is the solar stage, the moment of Grace entering to help heal and transform the awareness from the previous stages. At this level of transformation, one is able to start consciously relating to others and the world at large with a new wisdom and empowerment. 

Rubedo is the final stage and one embodies and lives their unique truth. The journey has now lead to living your personal myth and discovering how to incorporate meaning and consciousness through living a purpose filled life. In a way, you have discovered what it is to be immortal and infinite. 

About Britt Bradford

Britt received an undergraduate degree in art at the University of Colorado and has trained extensively at the Barcelona Academy of Art and Grand Central Atelier where she learned under master painters in the classical tradition.

About Katy Parnello

Katy Parnello is a self-taught woodworker and elementary electrician. Her latest body of work is inspired by animals and the energy exhibited in old comic books. Combining these two entities, her work strives to depict the power and force that exists in the moment of creation.