Molly Perrault
March-May 2020
Telluride Arts’ HQ Gallery in Telluride, Colorado is featuring Layers, an exhibit featuring artwork by two local artists: Brandon Berkel and Molly Perrault through March 2020. The exhibit explores two different approaches to the medium of collage.
Using tiny paper shards of found colors and textures carefully cut from magazines, Molly Perrault seeks to create the illusion of painting without paint. With a focus on rendering landscapes, she is motivated to reflect and slowly re-construct the places that have been a source of inspiration, adventure, and comfort. The process is cyclical: nature is used to produce the paper on which the magazines are printed, and Molly assumes her role in both the act of destruction and reconstruction. She sees her detail-oriented process as a path to subvert the artificial colors, extravagance, and careful page layouts of mainstream print media by returning its contents to a state of nature.
Molly Perrault graduated from Louisiana State University, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts. After spending most of her upbringing in South Louisiana, Perrault moved to Colorado in 2015 to experience the West where she enjoys long road trips, stimulating hikes, and being part of Telluride, Colorado’s arts community. She debuted her first solo exhibition Regeneration in June 2018 at the Telluride Arts HQ Gallery in Telluride, CO. She has also displayed her work at MiXX Projects + Atelier in Telluride, CO. Most recently, Perrault was awarded Best in Show at the Annual Ouray County Arts Association Fine Art Show in Ouray, CO in August 2019. In February 2019, she was awarded 1st Place in Ah Haa School for the Arts’ Annual Juried Exhibition, 12x12.