Elisa Gomez
February 1, 2017 - February 28, 2017
Telluride Arts’ HQ gallery in Telluride, CO presents, “Habitat,” a solo exhibit by painter Elisa Gomez. The show opens February 1 and runs until February 28, 2017. The Art Walk opening reception will be held Thursday, February 2, 5-8 pm.
The average person’s habitat is as relatable as a home, but this past summer, Elisa Gomez headed for a new adventure where her habitat was on wheels and constantly in flux.
This series of paintings is a compilation of pieces done by the artist while driving around the Western US in her Chevy Astro Van, combined with pieces done in her Salt Lake City studio at the culmination of her trip. Gomez’s visual journal and sketchbook explode with ideas she captured on her journey through nature – from striking Natural Parks and Forests, to the serenity of the ocean. Each painting is wrought with vivid colors, deep textures, and gestural movements, as this is the vocabulary built from experiences and expressions of what she observed. Living in the mountains, smelling the pine trees each morning, or waking up to a salty breeze; Each painting is a product of the studies Gomez had done and continues to explore in her evolution as an artist.
“Working primarily in mixed media on canvas, Elisa Gomez wields her materials with the skill of a practiced fine artist while composing her canvases with the ease of a studied art historian. Evidenced by a few discernible, well-executed, and discrete operations, her working mode transposes the schema and aesthetic of both European and American Abstract Expressionism with a studied sensitivity particular to her training and practice. Gomez demonstrates a playful attention to color, texture, and surface. Palette and visual movement between, amongst, and across forms figure heavily into her pieces. In style as well as composition, Gomez’s work is replete with recurrent aesthetic maneuvers and nonetheless peppered with extensive variation and experimentation. Her canvases continue to surprise and delight the viewer in their transposition of elements across genres and movements. Gomez currently resides in Austin, Texas.” (Elizabeth D. Miller, PHD Candidate, UCSD)
The show runs until February 28, 2017 at Telluride Arts HQ Gallery, located at 135 W Pacific in Telluride, Colorado. Open daily from 12-6pm or by appointment.
The show runs thru February 2017 at Gallery 81435, located at 230 S Fir Street in Telluride, Colorado. Open daily from 12-6pm or by appointment.