Colin holds a B.A. in theatre arts and a Master’s Degree from Fordham University in teaching. He has trained as an actor in the Actor’s Theatre of Louisville’s professional apprenticeship program and the Michael Chekhov Institute for Theatre Studies. He moved to Telluride in 2008 and almost immediately discovered SquidShow Theatre’s unique brand of original theatre. Within a year, Sullivan was a full-fledged company actor and had taken over the Managing Director position, overseeing the fiscal management of the company. Upon the merger of the two companies in 2011, Colin was chosen by the board to lead the larger united Telluride Theatre organization as Executive Director. He also acts and is a lead instructor and developer of the company’s unique education programs.
We asked Colin to answer some questions. Get a glimpse of Colin in his answers below:
Ocean or mountains? Ocean
Sweet or salty? Sweet
Morning or evening? Evening
Person from history to be your imaginary friend? Hunter S. Thompson
One thing on a deserted island? Mountainbike
Favorite Telluride tradition? Shakespeare in the Park!
Inspiration? Personally, I’m inspired by ordinary everyday Americans, particularly immigrants, pushing back against their government and this recent rash of unconstitutional policy decisions. Professionally - poetry and the role of songs in storytelling, particularly as it relates to our Shakespeare’s Pericles, which I’m currently directing.
Something you could re-watch as if it were your first time: The Muppet Movie
Recent Dream? I had a dream I was performing in Macbeth and didn’t know any of my lines and had to improv everything. Orson Welles was directing and he was not pleased. It was terrifying. I have these dreams every time around this year.
Happy place? In my new home in Placerville with my wife and young son, or on stage.