NEA Press Release

FOR RELEASE December 8, 2015

Telluride Arts

970.728.3930: Kate Jones 

National Endowment for the Arts Awards More Than $27.6 Million Across Nation

Includes $10,000 awarded to Telluride Arts


Telluride, Colorado

In its first 50 years, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded more than $5 billion in grants to recipients in every state and U.S. jurisdiction, the only arts funder in the nation to do so. Today, the NEA announced awards totaling more than $27.6 million in its first funding round of fiscal year 2016, including an Art Works award of $10,000 to Telluride Arts for the Telluride Arts District Marketing program.

The Art Works category supports the creation of work and presentation of both new and existing work, lifelong learning in the arts, and public engagement with the arts through 13 arts disciplines or fields.

NEA Chairman Jane Chu said, “The arts are part of our everyday lives – no matter who you are or where you live – they have the power to transform individuals, spark economic vibrancy in communities, and transcend the boundaries across diverse sectors of society. Supporting projects like the one from Telluride Arts offers more opportunities to engage in the arts every day.”

“We are simply thrilled for this support from the National Endowment for the Arts for our marketing of the Telluride Arts District.  This is the first direct grant Telluride Arts has received from the NEA and is a wonderful validation of our work to launch the Telluride Arts District brand, and to market Telluride as an exciting destination for the arts. Marketing the arts as a whole is one of four key priorities to strengthen the arts locally that was identified in the Telluride Cultural Master Plan, and this investment from the NEA is a marker of our success advancing this goal.” 

The Telluride Arts Marketing program promotes the Telluride Arts District, which is comprised by numerous institutions, businesses, festivals, events and artists of all kinds. Learn more about Telluride’s remarkable cultural of the arts at

To join the Twitter conversation about this announcement, please use #NEAFall15. For more information on projects included in the NEA grant announcement, go to

Telluride Arts mission is to promote a culture of the arts within the Telluride Arts District, which contains a remarkable concentration of arts and cultural activity that engages artists from around the region and across the globe. For more information contact us at 970-728-3930, or find us online at, or on social media at Telluride Arts.

Telluride Arts

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